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International orders International orders
SAAC05 00 1 SAAC05 00 2 SAAC05 00 3


  1. They are light and load resistant
  2. Material: aluminum alloy
  3. Aluminum alloy supports, in addition to rivets, have an additional M8 x 60 screw to increase the resistance.
  4. Aluminum alloy air conditioners are protected by phosphating and electrostatic painting
  5. The color depends on the customer's requirement


Product SKU Product name Dimensions Max load / set Weight  Quantity of sets / europallet Price (without VAT)
SAAC05-00-L450 L450 40 x 45 cm 100 kg 1.55 kg 400 23.61 EUR / set
SAAC05-00-L500 L500 40 x 50 cm 125 kg 1.75 kg 315 27.63 EUR / set
SAAC05-00-L550 L550 40 x 55 cm 150 kg 1.9 kg 285 29.64 EUR / set

International Transport:

Transport and costs are not provided by RADUCONS IMPEX SRL. More details about packaging and transport

They are guaranteed up to the following support tasks:

  • Aluminum air conditioning supports L450 = 100 kg / set
  • Aluminum air conditioning supports L500 = 125 kg / set
  • Aluminum air conditioning supports L550 = 150 kg / set
Product catalog