1. Our production capacity is about 100,000 sets per year. Prices and product details can be found at PRODUCTS page.
  2. The minimum order accepted is 2000 sets. Discounts can be applied for large orders.
  3. Payment for a confirmed order is made in advance with at least 20% amount, based on a proforma invoice by Wire Transfer.
  4. International transports are not provided by our company and it is your responsibility to organize it with pick-up from our factory address. More details about packaging and transportation can be found at PACKAGING AND TRANSPORT page.
  5. The delivery time of an order varies depending on the quantity. It can last between 2 and 3 weeks. We provide a final estimate after we establish the desired quantity.

How to order

  1. Send us an email at info@raducons.ro with list of products and quantities for your order. For security reasons, we do not accept file attachments. The ordered products list must be in the content of email like following example (Products SKU / quantity):
    • Example: SAAC01-00-L400 (800 sets), RC-SACP (300 sets)
  2. Based on your order request, we’ll reply to you our offer with discounts applied and estimated time for picking up pallets from our factory.
  3. After your order confirmation, we will deliver the proforma invoice with advance payment (at least 20% of the total amount of the order).
  4. After payment confirmation, we will put into production the ordered products and we will prepare them for packaging until the date when your transport will arrive for pickup.
  5. The rest of the payment will be made based on an invoice through Wire Transfer before loading the goods to your carrier.
Product catalog